Father Dowd Foundation
Networking our community
   Many of our beneficiary organizations have voiced the opinion that if they had greater opportunities to network and work more closely together, their activities would be more effective and have a greater impact. In response, the Father Dowd Foundation is working to develop a comprehensive networking program to promote better communication and collaboration among its organizations.
   The program will provide the organizations with an opportunity to more easily exchange ideas, learn from one another, find ways to share resources and volunteers, and form partnerships. Moreover, it will create and maintain stronger synergies, and foster a greater spirit of cohesiveness and cooperation.
How the Networking Program works
   Individual strategic planning sessions will be held with the key stakeholders of our organization. Once concerned stakeholders are in the same room, they will be guided to dialogue and dream about what their organization could look like in the future at its very best. Then they will be guided to develop action plans to achieve their desirable future.
   The strategic planning sessions will use an asset building approach which has been proven to be more sustainable in creating capacity and helping to build self-reliance.
   Following these sessions, the key findings and ideas will be shared with all the organizations at a summit. The organizations will be guided to look for opportunities to create sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships.
University students to be actively involved
   The program will be conducted in association with graduates and masters students of Concordia University’s Applied Human Sciences Department.
   The students will facilitate the strategic planning sessions. This represents an excellent opportunity for our organizations to obtain invaluable help and expertise from eager young adults, while at the same time providing the students with practical experience in a community setting.